Corrency is a system to support the local economy. It allows town halls to set clear and simple rules for the efficient and transparent use of funds intended for residents or selected areas of business.

How to join the project?

what is CORRENCY

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How does Corrency work?

Financial support can be provided by the state, town hall, company or individual

Corrents are generated from financial contributions in CZK.

Corrent is an accounting unit with adjustable convertibility

It motivates the recipient of the support to purchase the necessary commodities and thus to further support merchants.

Features of Corrents:

  • defined expiration (e.g. 30 days)
  • valid for a specific location (e.g. the city of Kyjov)
  • citizen participation in the purchase (e.g. 50%)
  • designated areas of use (e.g. food, culture, health, etc.)

Receivers of support

Recipients of support can be selected groups of citizens who meet the conditions determined by the town hall or another system founder.

Paying with Corrents for services and products

Corrent holders can pay 50% of the total price of the service or products at a vendor.


Local merchants and service providers who meet the parameters set by the founder can join the Corrency system.


Kdo nic nedělal, myslí, že nic nezkazil

O tom, že je třeba podpořit místní podnikatele, se debatovalo dlouhé roky. A komu jinému pomoci než právě místním občanům a podnikatelům?

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Corrency není měna: charakteristika a právní kontext

Corrency, a konkrétně jeho zúčtovací jednotka zvaná Corrent, není formou měny nebo peněz. Tento omyl může vzniknout vzhledem k jeho použití v zúčtování mezi občany a obchodníky, ale jeho povaha a funkce je odlišná.

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CzechInvest on the Corrency project in Kyjov

CzechInvest wrote a report on the Corrency project in Kyjov.

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Completed projects


Project to support the local economy.

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Aš (2024)

Aš (2024)

Project to support the local economy.

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Chotěboř (2024)

Chotěboř (2024)

Project to support extracurricular and leisure activities for children.

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Project to support extracurricular and leisure activities for children.

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Kolovraty-Lipany (2024)

Kolovraty-Lipany (2024)

Project to support the local economy.

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Project to support the local economy.

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Project to support the local economy.

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Project to support the local economy.

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Ostrava-Jih (2024)

Ostrava-Jih (2024)

Projekt na podporu volnočasových aktivit dětí.

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Ostrava-Poruba (2024)

Ostrava-Poruba (2024)

Project to support local children.

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Project to support local children.

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Prague 1

Prague 1

Project to support the local economy.

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Prague 14

Prague 14

Project to support the local economy.

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Prague 14 (2024)

Prague 14 (2024)

Project to support extracurricular and leisure activities for children.

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Prague 18

Prague 18

Project to promote sports and leisure activities.

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Prague 18 (2023)

Prague 18 (2023)

Project to support extracurricular and leisure activities for children.

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Prague 18 (2024)

Prague 18 (2024)

Project to support local elders.

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Project to support families with children and independently living elders over 65.

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Prostějov (2024)

Prostějov (2024)

Project to support families with children and independently living elders over 65.

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Slezská Ostrava (2024)

Slezská Ostrava (2024)

Project to support extracurricular and leisure activities for children.

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Pilot project for students and academic staff of VŠE.

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They said about Corrency

"We have decided to offer corrent support to all residents of Kyjov. I believe that this modern economic project has a great potential and it may support business not only in our town. It is a matter of time before other cities get involved."

Mgr. František Lukl, MPA, Czech politician, former Minister for Regional Development, President of the Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic

Mgr. František Lukl, MPA, Czech politician, former Minister for Regional Development, President of the Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic

“Corrency is a perfect example of how a hackathon project can continue its successful development and support local economy and regional development. The fact that the project has a promising future is proven by it being ranked among the top 15 of more than two hundred projects in the hackathon.”

Ing. Patrik Reichl, MBA, Director of the Business and Investment Development Agency CzechInvest

Ing. Patrik Reichl, MBA, Director of the Business and Investment Development Agency CzechInvest

"I am glad we could have contributed to the creation of this project. Without the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and its Czech Rise Up program, such a pioneer and innovative project could have risen only in limited conditions. We are looking forward to seeing how this pilot develops. We believe that this concept will work. Its comprehensive solution offers much wider application in other economic and social issues."

Ing. Petr Očko, Ph.D., Ministry of Industry and Trade Deputy Minister for Digitisation and Innovation

Ing. Petr Očko, Ph.D., Ministry of Industry and Trade Deputy Minister for Digitisation and Innovation

Project Partners